ACL surgeon

Posted by | 16 February 2020
Discoid Meniscus

Dr Quang Dao Discoid meniscus is a congenital variant of the meniscus which can affect its size, shape and stability. Most often, it affects the lateral meniscus. Incidence It is a frequent finding in the Asian population with an incidence of up to 20%. In Caucasians, the incidence is 3-5%. It is slightly more common...

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ACL surgeon
Posted by | 6 May 2018
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Children

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Children (information for Health Providers) Dr. Quang Dao Introduction Intra-substance tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in children were rarely reported in the past. Historically, most ACL injuries involved an avulsion of the tibialeminence at the site of the tibial ACL insertion. However , mid-substance ACL injuries in children...

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Knee surgeon - ACL surgeon
Posted by | 24 March 2018
Anterior Cruciate Ligament

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the major ligaments of the knee. It sits deep inside the knee. It is made of collagen fibres and acts like a rope connecting the tibia (shin bone) to the femur (thigh bone). It guides the knee in its normal motion. More importantly it stabilises the knee....

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